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  • Gleevec

    Imatinib belongs to a family of medications called protein tyrosine kinase inhibitors. It is used to treat adults and children who have been newly


    Gliclazide belongs to the class of medications known as oral hypoglycemics. It is used for the control of blood glucose in people with type

    Gliclazide by Proval Pharma

    Gliclazide belongs to the class of medications known as oral hypoglycemics. It is used by people with type 2 diabetes to control blood glucose. It is used

    Gliclazide by Sanis

    Gliclazide belongs to the class of medications known as oral hypoglycemics. It is used for the control of blood glucose in people with type

    Gliclazide MR by AA Pharma Inc.

    Gliclazide modified release (MR) belongs to the class of medications called oral hypoglycemics. It is used for the control of blood glucose in people


    Gliclazide belongs to the class of medications known as oral hypoglycemics. It is used for the control of blood glucose in people with type

    Gliclazide-80 by Pro Doc

    Gliclazide belongs to the class of medications known as oral hypoglycemics. It is used by people with type 2 diabetes to control blood glucose. It is used


    Gabapentin belongs to the class of medications called anti-epileptics. It is used in combination with other seizure control medications to manage and prevent seizures associated with


    Glucagon belongs to the group of medications called hyperglycemic agents. It is used to treat severe hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) when someone with insulin-treated


    Glucagon belongs to the group of medications called hyperglycemic agents. It is used to treat severe hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) when someone with insulin-treated


    Acarbose is an antidiabetic medication known as an α-glucosidase inhibitor. Acarbose is used to control blood glucose for people with type 2 diabetes when


    Repaglinide belongs to the class of medications called antidiabetes agents. It is an oral hypoglycemic (lowering of blood sugar) medication used by people with


    Metformin belongs to the class of medications called oral hypoglycemics, which are medications that lower blood sugar. It is used to control blood glucose


    Metformin belongs to the class of medications called oral hypoglycemics, which are medications that lower blood sugar. It is used to control blood glucose

    Glyburide 2.5 by Pro Doc

    Glyburide is an antidiabetes medication that belongs to the family of medications known as sulfonylureas. It is used to treat high blood sugar (hyperglycemia)

    Glyburide by Sanis

    Glyburide is an antidiabetes medication that belongs to the family of medications known as sulfonylureas. It is used to treat high blood sugar (hyperglycemia)


    Metformin belongs to the class of medications called oral hypoglycemics, which are medications that lower blood sugar. It is used to control blood glucose


    Empagliflozin – linagliptin is a combination of two medications that work in different ways to reduce blood sugar. Both empagliflozin and linagliptin belong to the class


    Follitropin alpha belongs to the class of medications called gonadotropins. It is a synthetic version of the naturally-occurring follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), a hormone

    Gonal-f Pen

    Follitropin alpha belongs to the class of medications called gonadotropins. It is a synthetic version of the naturally-occurring follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), a hormone

    Granisetron by AA Pharma Inc.

    Granisetron belongs to the class of medications called 5-HT3 receptor antagonists. This medication is used to prevent nausea and vomiting associated with particular types

    Granisetron Hydrochloride Injection SDZ

    Granisetron belongs to the class of medications called 5-HT3 receptor antagonists. This medication is used to prevent nausea and vomiting associated with particular types


    Timothy grass allergenic extract belongs to the class of medications called allergy immunotherapies. It is used to decrease the symptoms of moderate to severe


    Filgrastim belongs to the family of medications known as granulocyte colony stimulating factors (G-CSF). It helps the bone marrow produce white blood cells, which


    Dimenhydrinate belongs to a group of medications called antiemetics. This medication is used to prevent and treat motion sickness as well as nausea and

    GUM Paroex

    Chlorhexidine gluconate belongs to a class of medications called topical antiseptics. It is used as part of a dental program to treat and manage


    January 15, 2014 butoconazole is no longer being manufactured for sale in Canada. This article is being kept available for reference purposes only. If

    All material © 1996-2019 MediResource Inc. Terms and conditions of use. The contents herein are for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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