CarePoint Pharmacy

170 - 1395 Ellice Ave., Winnipeg, MB

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Prescription Refills

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CarePoint Pharmacy
170 – 1395 Ellice Ave., Winnipeg, MB R3G 0G3

Our Pharmacy Services

Health Management

Your pharmacist may assist you with the treatment or management of certain ailments or conditions. These can include but are not limited to eczema, headaches, acne, allergies, morning sickness, and smoking cessation.

Medication Organization

Organizing your medications can help you to take them on time and more effectively. Speak with your pharmacist about prescription medication organization solutions.

Medication Take Back

Dispose of your unused and expired medication safely. Bring the medication back to your pharmacy and allow the team to handle the disposal.

Over-the-Counter Medication Expertise

Ask your pharmacist for more information about over-the-counter medications, natural health products, vitamins, and allergy relief products.

Prescription Refills

Ask your pharmacist about prescription medication refills to find a method that best suits your lifestyle.

Dietitian & Nutrition

Your pharmacist may be able to provide you with a prescription renewal, if appropriate. Renewing your prescription can help to avoid an interruption and better manage your health.

Prescription Transfer

Ask your pharmacist for help transferring prescriptions from one pharmacy to another.
* By law, not all prescription medications can be transferred between pharmacies.

Vaccinations & Immunizations

An experienced and certified pharmacist at your local pharmacy may be able to administer an immunization, vaccination or other medication.
* Some vaccinations and immunizations may not be available at your local pharmacy.

In-Store Programs

Medication Search

Look up your medication
for more information.

Medical Conditions

Find information on medical conditions
in our library.

Natural Health Products

Natural Health Products Library powered by MediResourceā„¢.

Community Support

Find helpful resources and support
that are close to home.